Q1) When are you going to reprint your backcatalogue? Can you reprint it on vinyl?
A1) This is probably the most frequently asked question of all. We've recently reprinted "Pale Awakening" and we're probably going to reprint "Fragments Of Memories" too. We don't know whether we will reprint all the other material though.
Q2) When are you going to play in my country (again or for the first time)?
A2) Without considering the fact that our availability for live gigs is very limited at the moment, it will mostly depend on your local promoters/event organizers. The thing is, we're perfectly aware of our following, but organizers may not be.
Reminding them/making them aware of our fanbase in your town/country,
asking the dj's at your local parties to play our songs (if they don't do that already),
spreading the word about The Frozen Autumn, will increase the chances of your wish coming true, especially if you live in Europe. Otherwise, they won't come up with any (suitable) proposal.
Playing in any extra-European country again, instead, especially overseas, has been impossible during the last 8 years due to personal matters, in spite of all the kind offers we get. Hopefully things will change in the future but, as of now, we can't tell for sure.
Q3) Why have you played so seldom at WGT? Are you going to play at WGT this year?
A3) We don't know why and probably not.
The first and only time we were invited to play at WGT was in 1998, but we weren't available in that timeframe, so we had to decline. After that, we played there as Static Movement in 2000 (only thanks to the intercession of a friend) and as The Frozen Autumn in 2015 (only because we spontaneously asked, having already scheduled to be in Leipzig in that period, independently from the festival). In both cases, -alas!- the conditions weren't the best.
We can therefore only assume, the WGT organizers have never been particularly interested in us since 1998: not even between 2006/2007 when half of the band was based in Leipzig, not even between 2015/2020 when the same half of the band was living in Berlin.
Of course, we respect the WGT, the people running/attending it and what it represents, so we think it's totally in their right not to be interested in us: the only reason why we're mentioning all this is to give an answer to the one question people from all over the world keep on asking and have been asking us literally HUNDREDS of times.
Similarly, we feel it's in our own right, after 30 years of respectable artistic career, not to be compelled to convince them of what we can be worth, or to try to play there no matter what. So again, here it holds what we've already stated in answer A2: you'd like us to come and play there? Convince the organizers. Thanks and loves to you all!
Q4) Are you working on new material?
A4) Yes, we always are, and that's also one of the reasons why we've lately reduced our presence on social media. Time is finite and we're sometimes just too busy.
Q5) Where can I find the lyrics of your songs? Why don't you publish them online?
A5) You can find them in the booklet of most of our cd's or vinyls. That's also the reason why we don't publish them online, because it would be nice of whoever is interested in our music, to the extent of looking for the lyrics, to still support us by buying our releases. Now you might say: but lots of your backcatalogue is sold-out since ages! We know. This brings us back to answer A1: if you have any suggestion about how to reprint it (complete with lyrics), give us a shout.
Q6) Can you please send me your autographs? Can you sign the releases I buy from your online shop?
A6) We can't send you autographs alone, for both obvious and for less obvious reasons. We'll be happy to give you autographs at concerts. We'll be happy to sign the items you kindly buy from our online store, if you catch us in a moment when we (Diego and Froxeanne) are together, because we live more than 2000 km apart but that's all we can do.
FAQ section is a constant WIP, last updated on 17th March 2023.
For general enquiries about The Frozen Autumn, which answer is not to be found on our official webpages already, or for any relevant feedback, send us an e-mail.